
Las opiniones expresadas por los autores de los artículos relacionados en esta página reflejan sus puntos de vista personales y no los del personal de Algunos títulos no abogan en absoluto por la prioridad bizantina, pero estos artículos pueden ser útiles para comprender la historia del texto y los debates sobre la prioridad bizantina.

  • Hodges, Zane C. «The Ecclesiastical Text of Revelation – Does it Exist?» Bibliotheca Sacra 118 (1961): 113-122.
  • —. The Critical Text and the Alexandrian Family of Revelation.» Bibliotheca Sacra 119 (1962): 129-138.
  • —. «Light on James Two from Textual Criticism.» Bibliotheca Sacra 120 (1963): 341-351.
  • —. «The Women and the Empty Tomb.» Bibliotheca Sacra 123 (1966): 306-307.
  • —. «The Greek Text of the King James Version.» Bibliotheca Sacra 125 (1968): 334-345.
  • —. «Rationalism and Contemporary New Testament Textual Criticism.» Bibliotheca Sacra 128 (1971): 27-35.
  • —. «Modern Textual Criticism and the Majority Text: A Response.» Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 21, no. 2 (1978): 143-155. (Gratis en línea en:
  • —. «Modern Textual Criticism and the Majority Text: A Surrejoinder.» Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 21, no. 2 (1978): 161-164. (Gratis en línea en:
  • —. «The Woman Taken in Adultery (John 7:53-8:11): the Text.» Bibliotheca Sacra 136 (1979): 318-332.
  • —. «The Angel at Bethesda – John 5:4.» Bibliotheca Sacra 136 (1979): 25-39.
  • —. «The Woman Taken in Adultery (John 7:53-8:11): the Exposition.» Bibliotheca Sacra 173 (1980): 41-53.
  • Lake, Kirsopp and Silva New. «The Byzantine Text of the Gospels.» Mémorial Lagrange, editado por L.H. Vincent. 251-258. Paris: J. Gabalda et Cie, 1940.
  • Robinson, Maurice. «Minority Readings/Majority Text: Seeking a Second Opinion.» Distribuido por la Sociedad del Texto Mayoritario, Verano 1992.
  • —. «Two Passages in Mark: A Critical Test for the Byzantine-Priority Hypothesis.» Faith and Mission 13 (Fall 1996) 66-111. (Resúmen en línea en
  • —. «The Recensional Nature of the Alexandrian Text-Type: A Response to Selected Criticisms of the Byzantine-Priority Theory.» Faith and Mission 11 (1993) 46-74 [edición publicada en 1997 pero con fecha atrasada].
  • —. “Investigating Text-Critical Dichotomy: A Critique of Modern Eclectic Praxis from a Byzantine-Priority Perspective.” Faith and Mission 16 (Spring 1999) 16-31.
  • —. “New Testament Textual Criticism: The Case for Byzantine Priority.” TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism 6 (2001). (Available online at
  • —. “Crossing Boundaries in New Testament Textual Criticism: Historical Revisionism and the Case of Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener.” TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism. 7 (2002).
  • —. “Preliminary Observations Regarding the Pericope Adulterae based upon Fresh Collations of nearly all Continuous-Text Manuscripts and all Lectionary Manuscripts containing the Passage.” Filología Neotestamentaria 13 (2000) 35-59.
  • —. “In Search of the Alexandrian Archetype: Observations from a Byzantine-Priority Perspective.” In Christian-B. Amphoux and J. Keith Elliott, eds., The New Testament Text in Early Christianity: Proceedings of the Lille Colloquium, July 2000. Histoire du Texte Biblique 6. Lausanne: Éditions du Zèbre, 2003, 45-67.
  • —. «Amid Perfect Contempt, a Place for the Genuine: The Long Ending of Mark as Canonical Verity.» In Perspectives on the Ending of Mark. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2008, 40-79.
  • —. “Rule 9, Isolated Variants, and the `Test-Tube’ Nature of the NA27/UBS4 Text: A Byzantine-Priority Perspective.” In Stanley E. Porter and Mark J. Boda, eds., Translating the New Testament: Text, Translation, Theology. McMaster New Testament Studies. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009, 27-61.
  • —. “The Rich Man and Lazarus – Luke 16:19-31. Text-Critical Notes.” In Stanley E. Porter and Mark J. Boda, eds. Translating the New Testament: Text, Translation, Theology, McMaster New Testament Studies. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009, 96-110.
  • —. «The Case for Byzantine Priority.» Appendix in The New Testament in the Original Greek: Byzantine Textform 2005, editado por Maurice A. Robinson and William G. Pierpont, 533-586. Southbourough, MA: Hilton, 2005. (Gratis en línea en: /wp-content/uploads/2016/11/editions-rp-11-appendix.pdf; en Español)
  • —. «Rule 9: Isolated Variants, and the ‘Test-Tube’ Nature of the NA27/UBS4 Text: A Byzantine Priority Perspective.» In Translating The New Testament: Text, Translation, Theology, editado por Stanley E. Porter and Mark J. Boda, 27-61. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009.
  • Wachtel, Klaus. «Early Variants in the Byzantine Text of the Gospels.» In Transmission and Reception: New Testament Text-Critical and Exegetical Studies, editado por J.W. Childers and D.C. Parker. 28-47. Piscataway: Gorgias, 2006.
  • Wilson, Andrew: «Scribal Habits and the New Testament Text.» In Digging For the Truth: Collected Essays Regarding the Byzantine Text of the Greek New Testament: A Festschrift in Honor of Maurice A. Robinson, editado por Mark Billington and Peter Streitenberger. 21-39. Norden, Germany: Focus Your Mission KG, 2014.